Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rain in AZ

We've got cloud cover!
It would've been a good day to run for 2o, but the ol' arch was buggin'.
Headed to The Runners Den to get some new zapatos.

Tip for Beginning Runners
If anything hurts for too long as you start training - like a knee, arch or ankle that hurts every time you run and aches for a couple of days after - don't give up your training. Talk to a foot specialist about arch supports. It's probably been a while since you put your body through this type of motion and the ol' sack a bones needs some help from supports to get your legs realigned for running again.

I had to do this because my arches had collapsed since the ol' glory days of high school football. The Doc. hooked me up and now I can roll 11-13 miles with proper training and walk without a limp a day or two later. The limp's 'cause I'm old - not because the arch supports aren't working.

A lot of beginning ailments will fade as your muscles get back into shape. Just keep at it and repeat after me, "1,2,3,4 - 4 more steps I'll go 4 more."

Slayer Song Is In My Head?
Angel of Death

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